Basic Data Types in C # language

Under this heading we will refer to the data type used in the Otta icmcl language; As in any language C# it was also predefined in the language and form the basis of language and there are some data types that are used to store data. Basically divided into two data types in C# languages, which are predefined data types and user-defined data types. Pre-defined data types in its own reference types (reference type) and the type of value (value type) is divided into two. More details on how to define data types before landing, like we talked about the basics of how the scope of the initial value is given to the data type and data type.
C# Variables
Variables are different in kind in exchange for the programming of data we can store memory pores. Just variables in all programming languages are defined before being used. This process is called identification. Seeing the defining line in memory compiler allocates the appropriate amount of the property location of the object (separates).
Executed in the microprocessor memory means after you install programs on modern computer systems. What type of issues can be stored in the memory of the various data types halıza and will be analyzed below. Data is kept in the memory with one of the six regions. These areas are:
I. Stack Area
In general we say we understand the RAM stack region. The integer types in a simple object of our program that typically are loaded in RAM at runtime place we call stack. Located in the Stack of Stack Pointer Mikroişlcmci means directly accessible.
Stack pointer that holds the address of the time structure of working memory. Stack pointer, a reduced relative to the allocation of space in memory or an enhanced. So before run-time data will be kept in the stack must know how much space is covered. Otherwise Stack Pointer function with a situation would be a contradictory situation. When you install the program in the JIT compiler creates the infrastructure of the .NET platform Stack Pointer must know the exact size of the data will make the allocations to position correctly. All data allocation in the stack if it were made, would reduce the flexibility of our programs, because C# in some of the objects they are specified by reference to the data itself may not be in the stack.
II. Heap Area
As in the stack region heap areas are located in the RAM memory space. All CII objects are created in this region. Unlike the stack of objects to be known by the compiler in heap allocation it is not compulsory. Therefore, our program adds great flexibility to use of the heap. C # heap of new keywords in the future we will see the area used to allocate an object. New keyword data made allocations are created dynamically at runtime, so any allocation for data collection is not done in time. Besides the advantage of the flexibility it offers us the heap area there are also some disadvantages. Stack them is slower than the speed of the most important mechanisms of the process.
III. Register Area
Stack and heap allocation (allocation) is very fast compared to the mechanisms, and the reason is the lack of a secondary memory Register. It is made in a limited number of registers in the mike-roişlcmc. Compilers very often the transaction amount in the register to earn their data rate is limited to the number of registers. We do not have direct access to our microprocessor registers about. Taking action on short registers entirely at the discretion of the compiler.
IV. Static Area
It represents any constant region in the memory. Data held in static fields are stored during the whole operation of the program. Static keyword is used to provide an object static property CH.
V. Fixed Region
Fixed (constant) values are usually embedded in the form of program code. It is not possible to change these values. Just reading some cases their purpose is in terms of speed for ROM (Read Only Me-mory) are also held.
VI. RAM Non-District
Represent the disk space that are not representative of the memory area. Some types of data are required to be permanent, in which case a portion of the program is saved to disk when the end of the data in any of the above mentioned. When the program is running short, we want to give we should not use this type of disk systems (as in the classic floppy and hard disks).